Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This blog aims to address your concerns related to health, healthcare, and pharmaceuticals in CANADA in the most user-friendly way. It will be a compilation breaking news, health information, and my own opinions and ideas both from a public consumer and a healthcare professional perspective. Whether we like it or not health is THE #1 factor in affecting our quality of life. I'll try my damn HARDEST to make it fun, informative and hopefully thought provoking.
Questions, information, ideas such as....
Should I or my loved one get the H1N1 vaccine? Mental illnesses are untreated as unnoticed because we view them as unattractive and frightening - we fear the unknown. *ALL BABY CRIBS MADE BY _______ MANUFACTURED FROM 1996-2005 ARE BEING RECALLED* Why does health insurance only cover certain prescription drugs? Where can I find a family doctor? Where does all the governments health care expenditures go? Why doesn't the government hire more nurses? What are the names of the top pharmaceutical companies? How will the government support me when I age? PREVENTABLE diseases such as diabetes II, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol cost the the public millions and dollars due to damage control and "patching up" their victims *NEW DRUG _____ HAS BEEN GETTING REPORT OF ADVERSE SIDE EFFECTS OF SKIN RASHES* .... oh, and that's just the tip of the iceberg!

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